Grand Teton National Park

One of my favorite places I have visited, thus far, and now I have so many wonderful memories that I will cherish forever.

Just like the first time we visited GTNP, we did not intend on heading back this time around. But, my mom had planned on visiting one more time and this was an ideal place to fly in. She was able to bring one of her sisters, my aunt Cherie, along with her, and we had an amazing time showing them both the Tetons and parts of Yellowstone.

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Grand Teton National Park

I will never get tired of looking at the Tetons. This was our second visit to Grand Teton National Park and the surrounding area (Teton Village and Jackson), and it was just as stunning, if not more so, the second time around.

We visited back in 2017, when we had a 14 month old and I was roughly 20 weeks pregnant with Cash. Some may read that and think – who travels pregnant with a baby?! But, it was THE MOST fun vacation we had until we started traveling full time. It was great to relive some of the things we did with Weston and see him light up at the animals and scenery.

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