Setting Goals

The log cabin we built.

Hi! It has been a while since I have been on the blog. For those of you who followed our adventures in the RV, we parked it at the end of 2021 and have been BUSY ever since.

It is funny because we spent this life-changing experience trying to slow down, take in the moments, learn how to relax, and enjoy things more deeply – and all of that was “easy” on the road. It took us a while to retrain the brain, but once we did it was coming naturally to literally enjoy all of the small moments of the day.

Then, stationary life took hold again and we were off to the races. It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day when you have big plans and can see the future unfolding way faster than it is actually happening. The days have been very long, but the last year has flown by.

In the true nature of my husband and I, we managed to build three houses while simultaneously running a successful RV repair business, homeschooling the kids, raising some chickens, trying to learn and invest in our health and nutrition, got an occasional workout in, and only had marriage squabbles a handful of times – haha. I definitely don’t recommend that pace of life.

But, we did it because we have goals and are trying to set ourselves up to be able to get back to a life full of travel, a slower pace, and still manage to feed two growing boys – which is a feat all in itself.

The reality is, we don’t know how anything we do will turn out. That used to bother me SO much. It still does, but instead of the heavy anxiety that followed that unknown, I have been able to talk myself down and understand that even if we fail things don’t turn out as expected – IT WILL BE OKAY. I used to not be able to have that reasonable conversation in my own head. The dread of the unknown absolutely destroyed me before I ever even started something. Life is still calculated, but I am much more content with the risk/reward and understand that failure is just another opportunity to grow.

I have a personal goal to start blogging again, for self-therapeutic purposes I suppose. I may not be able to add as many pretty pictures as before – and there will be a much larger variety of topics – but if you aren’t learning you are dying and I want to keep growing and sharing my thoughts (a way for me to step out of my comfort zone regularly).

What I Have Learned

What did I learn by selling a home that I absolutely loved to live in an RV and travel the country with my family?

I kept a laundry list of things that I thought were important lessons along the way, but what I didn’t realize was that I would learn the hardest and most important lesson when we stopped traveling.

I don’t know how to function in a calm, restful environment.

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Palo Duro Canyon Texas State Park

Our final (major) stop on our epic journey of 2021 was to Palo Duro Canyon outside of Amarillo, Texas. We made our way from Angel Fire, NM with a stop at the ‘Welcome to Texas’ sign and to Cadillac Ranch.

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Great Sand Dunes National Park

The Great Sand Dunes are the tallest dunes in North America and are the centerpiece in a diverse landscape of grasslands, wetlands, forests, alpine lakes, and tundra making it a truly interesting visit.

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