Glacier National Park – Many Glacier

There are four main points of entry into Glacier National Park: West Glacier, Two Medicine (southeast), St. Mary (east) and Many Glacier (northeast). With West Glacier and St. Mary being the main focal points due to the access to the Going to the Sun Road (check out my previous posts to read more about the famous road), many people never make it all the way to Many Glacier. I will say it is a drive – about 2 hours from where we stayed at Apgar – but SO worth the extra miles. In fact, so good that we went twice 😉

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Glacier National Park – Going to the Sun Road

One of the biggest complaints I have heard about Glacier is the requirement to have a pass to enter the Going to the Sun Road. To be honest, this would have been one of the reasons we wouldn’t have gone to the park if things hadn’t worked out the way they did. BUT, it is completely necessary to limit the number of vehicles on the narrowest, most jaw dropping, extremely beautiful drives that has absolutely nowhere to park a car!

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Glacier National Park – Howe Lake Trail

Don’t let this greenery fool you, this trail is full of sunshine!

Our first hike was probably my least favorite (shhh.. don’t tell anyone I found something at Glacier I didn’t necessarily prefer). But to be fair, we dealt with a toddler tantrum for the better part of two miles, and it was HOT. There had been a forest fire in the area years before, so all of the pine trees were about 3ft tall, which doesn’t do a lot for shade. There were a ton of wild flowers, though! This was more of a check box than me raving over the magnificent beauty of our surroundings (it was still beautiful).

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Glacier National Park – Lake McDonald

A trip to Glacier is not complete until you have taken a dive into Lake McDonald (or in my case, a paddle board ride because that water is freezing!) With the lake being within walking distance of the Apgar campground, we got to enjoy this beautiful water on the insanely hot days we had.

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