Grand Teton National Park

I will never get tired of looking at the Tetons. This was our second visit to Grand Teton National Park and the surrounding area (Teton Village and Jackson), and it was just as stunning, if not more so, the second time around.

We visited back in 2017, when we had a 14 month old and I was roughly 20 weeks pregnant with Cash. Some may read that and think – who travels pregnant with a baby?! But, it was THE MOST fun vacation we had until we started traveling full time. It was great to relive some of the things we did with Weston and see him light up at the animals and scenery.

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Shumway Dairy Farm

One of the ways we are trying to keep costs down throughout our trip is memberships like Harvest Host. It is a community of businesses that open up their space to travelers like us. Farms, wineries, breweries, museums, golf courses, etc… the stays are usually phenomenal.

Shumway Farms is top of our list. Not just because of the organic milk, eggs, meat and UNBELIEVABLE ice cream and yogurt, but we arrived in late May when the calves were still being bottle fed. The boys LOVED helping out and feeding the babies their milk.

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Bear Lake

We headed north out of the Heber Valley to the Utah/Idaho border and found the beautiful Bear Lake. Even with crummy weather, we made the most of our time parked with this amazing view.

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Heber Valley

The beauty of the Heber Valley was an excellent surprise to us! Coming out of the very dry, sandy areas of Arizona and southern Utah, the luscious greenery and mountain valleys were phenomenal.

The drive through Provo and up the mountains… gorgeous!

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