Canyonlands National Park

Feeling a tad guilty with having a busy day planned, we let the dog tag along on our visit to Canyonlands. Which means… we didn’t get to do any of the hikes. There were several view points (INCREDIBLE VIEWS) that we were able to see and just driving through the Island in the Sky section is amazing.

From a size perspective, Canyonlands is one of the larger parks in Utah and there are actually two different entrances. We entered through the northern part (island in the sky) and managed to do everything we could from the truck.

I would love to go back and visit The Needles section and do some of the hikes. They also have a dirt road accessible by 4×4/high clearance vehicles that takes you to the rim of the canyon. The road is narrow and the switchbacks are tight making for an exciting drive!

Bucketlist is long for Canyonlands because we didn’t *really* do anything… but it is beautiful and scenic even from the car!

Just outside of the park you can enter into Dead Horse Point State Park, which also has amazing views of the canyon. Since it is dog friendly, we hiked along the rim and did get to see some of what we missed from Canyonlands.

“Set fire to all your maps, forget how it’s always been. We’re explorers of the heart, learning to dream again. The adventure of a lifetime, with love alone as our guide. Exotic places beyond imagination – Ones we’ve longed for deep inside.”

John mark green

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