Capitol Reef National Park

Capital Reef wins on being the least crowded park in Utah. However, the views do not disappoint. The boys would tell you the ice cream and cherry pie we picked up from the Gifford House was top on their list 😉

The Gifford House is closed from 12-1 for lunch… we finished our hike about 12:30 so we hung out in the grass and read/watched the boys play until they opened.

Notable hikes:

Hickman Bridge

We have met some wonderful families in almost every place we have stopped.

Fremont River Trail

Cassidy Arch

We boondocked about 15 minutes from the park with two other families. The location was great with Capital Reef on one side and the snow capped mountains on the other giving us a 360 view one could dream about.

From this location, we headed back into the mountains to do Upper Calf Creek Falls. The pools that have formed at the top of the waterfall are gorgeous, the water is so clear. We also climbed to the bottom of the falls where another large pool is glistening in the sun. If it had been a little warmer, I think we all would have had a swim – just left the wet paws to the dog this time, though.

Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do.

Brian tracy

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