Learning to Play

A trait of mine that I considered to be ‘good’ for most of my life was being a planner/well organized. I enjoyed schedules and knowing what was coming. The unknown scared me. But, in the midst of feeling in control, I missed out on a lot of spontaneity and just plain fun.

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Canyonlands National Park

Feeling a tad guilty with having a busy day planned, we let the dog tag along on our visit to Canyonlands. Which means… we didn’t get to do any of the hikes. There were several view points (INCREDIBLE VIEWS) that we were able to see and just driving through the Island in the Sky section is amazing.

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Arches National Park

I had no idea that there was a mountain range in view from Moab, Utah. It completes the scenery with the deep red sandstone surrounding the area and the Colorado River running through town.

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Capitol Reef National Park

Capital Reef wins on being the least crowded park in Utah. However, the views do not disappoint. The boys would tell you the ice cream and cherry pie we picked up from the Gifford House was top on their list 😉

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