Welcome to The Switchback Diary

Hey ya’ll! 

I wanted to give a quick.. or rather lengthy 😉 introduction of my family as we embark on a new journey together. I will be writing about our experiences, both past, and present, and hope that you will follow along! 

My name is Laura, I am a wife, a mother, an exercise enthusiast, a cancer… fighter – and we are looking to simplify life and enjoy the ‘little’ things. I am a born and raised Texan, but love to be in the mountains, so I will do my best to divert our travels to any mountain range I can find! My husband, Chris, grew up in Arizona and discovered how awesome Texas is when he was in college. We met at a gym, nothing like a sweaty high five to turn you on 😉 and from there built a relationship, turned marriage, started 2 small businesses, have 2 crazy boys (Weston and Cash), and just added a puppy to top off the madness. 

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